[Backstage-list] FW: research on human excrements in the tourism contact zone

Michael Zinganel zinganel at mur.at
Fr Mär 9 17:28:10 CET 2007

Betreff: research on human excrements in the tourism contact zone

Dear all
Sorry for the impersonal message, but I wanted to circulate this widely. We
currently advertise a very interesting PhD studentship within the thematic
field of tourism and waste. This is absolutely urgent as we wish to fill
this as soon as possible. Applications should reach me this week. Please
tell your people to get in touch with me as soon as possible, to discuss.
Ideally the candidate would work within a small very experienced
British-German-French-Malagasy anthropology research team involved in a
programme on human excrements in the tourism contact zone in Madagascar.
Other locations and themes are also welcome (cf. phd studentship outline;
yet at this stage I would prioritise applications addressing the Madagascar
case). The Madagascar research addresses three main issues/objectives: 1)
cultural dimensions of human excretion within the Malagasy context
(conceptions of hygiene, the social self, the body, consumption and
digestion, cosmos and death, etc.); 2) hospitality practice and ways of
dealing with strangers, with non-exclusive focus on Œwashroom dilemmas¹
(conception/enchantment of the stranger, politics of risk, power/magic,
hygienic, spiritual, sexual contagion, intersubjectivity and hygiene,
amicable manipulation of strangers, social role/function of stranger in
everyday life/festive practice and performance, dealing with the bodyness of
strangers, etc.); 3) social dynamics of the tourism contact
zones/borderlands (interculturality/transnationality, geopolitical contexts,
power/knowledge/symbolic violence, representations, contested conceptions
e.g. of private-public, etc., transculturation, anti-conquest/anti-tourism
discourse, auto-ethnography). Carrying out this research would enable a
motivated candidate to produce an excellent research record, cutting edge
publishable outputs and a brilliant international academic network.
Furthermore, the theme could lead to both theoretical and practical outputs
and follow-on postdoctoral research (for academic institutions or why not
for the World Health Organisation). ŒWaste¹ is an issue at the heart of
contemporary debates/policies of co-development, sustainable consumption,
international economics, interculturality, etc. Also, it is increasingly
addressed within different academic fields (environmental anthropology,
religious anthropology, sociology, geography etc.). The research itself
would make it necessary to spend about a year in a Madagascan fishing
village, plus two years in Leeds. So please send this to anyone motivated,
with experience in living in a sometimes difficult environment (very basic
life, cultural solitude, limited but sufficient access to fresh water, a lot
of fish to eat, transport by pirogue and taxi brousse, very nice people in
the Madagascan village, very good institutional support within Madagascar),
ideally with fluency in French. Again: tell people to contact me as soon as
possible and to send applications by the end of this week.
Thank you all so much! David
Dr David Picard
Senior Research Fellow
Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change
Faculty of Arts and Society
Leeds Metropolitan University
The Old school Board
Leeds LS1 3ED
United Kingdom
d.picard at leedsmet.ac.uk
www.tourism-culture.com <http://www.tourism-culture.com/>
phone +44 (0) 113 283 2600 (ext. 29021)

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