[Backstage-list] Tourismusausstellung in Chicago Februar 2005

Alma-Elisa Kittner alma.kittner at gmx.de
Fr Dez 17 15:53:04 CET 2004

The Phenomenon of Tourism has become Universal
Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago - Universal Experience: Art, Life and
the Tourist's Eye
This exhibition is an inquiry into how tourists encounter the contemporary
world, questions what makes a tourist attraction like the Eiffel Tower a
work of art, what transforms a work of art like the Mona Lisa into a tourist
attraction, and what makes a museum a tourist site. Ranging from large-scale
installations and sculptures to intimate photographs and films, the works do
not all seek to represent tourism or travel but rather to understand how the
tourist's perception of the world has often been mediated by the tourism
mehr unter http://www.meetinchicago.com/events_may_05.html#contemporary
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