[Autonomie] reminder: termin kommendes treffen

Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka margarethe at mur.at
Sun Oct 25 09:11:44 CET 2020

dear everyone,

this is a kind reminder that our next meeting is approaching. not all of
us gave a preference of date, but for the moment i would suggest the
coming wednesday evening 19h. who of the ones that haven't reacted so
far would come as well? (alex, jonas? jogi?)

another reminder is that we agreed on bringing suggestions on a concrete
sujet / topic to work with: something that represents "autonomy" or
"autonomous systems" in your view.

you can leave and find ideas and more on that in the pad:

another TODO on the list: setting a timeline and agree on basic dates
and strutures for our work, so we can focus a bit better on where our
journey goes. i also would suggest that we try to establish some work in
subgroups or individual besides the big group meetings, since it is
always hard to find meeting times for everyone, and the meetings could
serve as platforms for specific tasks and exchange.

kind regards,


Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

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