[Autonomie] next meeting this thursday, 12.11. 19h LIMA

Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka margarethe at mur.at
Mon Nov 9 14:56:57 CET 2020

dear everyone,

this is a kind reminder that we meet again this thursday evening, 19h in
the usual place. who hasn't done it, please join our discord channel
that we opened for communication (so we don't spam the mailinglist and
can run subtopics).

we also gave a task - everyone starts creating something (a fragment, a
sketch,...) around the word SELF as an input. in the older mails you
find the link to a wolke folder where we can upload and share stuff, if
necessary. i did something analog that i will bring along!

see you!


Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka

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