[Admins] Blocked ports UDP/123, UDP/623
Jogi Hofmüller
jogi at mur.at
Di Nov 24 11:14:30 CET 2015
Dear all,
Since last fall we have non German speaking admins on this list and we
would like to acknowledge that by switching to English from now on.
Sorry for neglecting that for a while.
Now to the topic at hand. For a the past 15 years or so we never did
any serious filtering on our central router. The only filters we ever
applied where IP based, e.g. when some rogue server just would not give
up attacking or sending spam or the likes.
Recently we started receiving more and more notes from our upstream
provicder's CERT about open ports on various machines (not only servers
in our data center but also machines from other members on our network).
Since these ports affect either services that hardly anyone uses, that
should not be used on the Internet at all or that can be used from
within mur.at we decided to close these ports on our central router.
In certain cases we will of course create exceptions. Should you be in
need on an exception just contact mailto:noc at mur.at and we will help you.
Currently blocked ports are:
UDP/123 (network time protocol) - if you need NTP we offer time.mur.at
UDP/623 (Intelligent Platform Management Interface)
If you have any questions/remarks on this topic please use this list for
further discussion.
Ein literarisches Meisterwerk ist nur ein Wörterbuch in Unordnung.
- Jean Cocteau
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