[tonto-comics] Fwd: call for short scripts animation series

edda strobl edda at mur.at
Mi Dez 7 11:31:53 CET 2005

----- Weitergeleitete Nachricht von es at mur.at -----
     Datum: Tue, 29 Nov 2005 22:08:38 +0100
       Von: evelin stermitz <es at mur.at>
Antwort an: evelin stermitz <es at mur.at>
   Betreff: +comunity+ call for short scripts animation series
        An: comunity at mur.at

Art Center Sovenija is looking for short scripts for an animation series about
the EU. They need one from each of 25 European countries.
donation: 500,- Euro
(mistake on the website, you will get 500,- Euro)
see details:
it is very urgent, otherwise they will loose the project and money.

please spread this forward, thank you!

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----- Ende der weitergeleiteten Nachricht -----

edda strobl|||leitnergasse 7|||8010 graz|||

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