[sat] [francis.hunger at irmielin.org: Re: Fwd: mur.sat: Art Nanosatellite]

Reni Hofmüller reni at mur.at
Mon Dec 13 13:00:03 CET 2010


ich schreib dann mal zurück

----- Forwarded message from Francis Hunger <francis.hunger at irmielin.org> -----

From: Francis Hunger <francis.hunger at irmielin.org>
To: reni at mur.at
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 2010 12:29:34 +0100
Subject: Re: Fwd: mur.sat: Art Nanosatellite

Hallo Reni,

Das klingt spannend. Im Sommer hatte ich in Dortmund einen Workshop mit  
Lisa Parks veranstaltet - forwardet die Info bitte auch an sie  
parks at filmandmedia.ucsb.edu. Ansonsten siehe  
www.hmkv.de/satelliteborderfootprint und auch dem Wiki, das dort verlinkt 
ist. Publikation ist bald online.

Kennt Ihr WebDSR? www.webdsr.org
>> Before mursat is sent to its LEO (lower earth orbit), it will be  
>> shown, in an exhibition taking place from December 3rd to 17th 2010  
>> at ESC im LABOR, Graz. Until the end of the exhibition, the  
>> satellite's functionality will be fixed. With an additional payload  
>> of only 200 grams, we have to focus on a certain range of  
>> possibilites. Currently, we are thinking about:
>> * listening to the complete radio spectrum, recording it and  
>> streaming it back to earth
sounds great, lots of people would use this
>> * mount a loudspeaker outside and send message into space
wie jetzt? Im Vakuum?
>> * mount a microphone and listen to space and stream the sound(s), the  
>> silence back
>> to earth
das schon eher. Wichtig: ohne Komprimierungsartefakte.
>> * have a webcam take pictures and send them
>> * led-lights sending messages to earth
>> * led faxing
>> * scanning for trash
>> * have a sensor mounted that 'understands' mursat's position in  
>> relation to earth and
>> have that data sent back.
kennt ihr das Satellitenprojekt von Marko Peljahn? Ich vermute ja.  
Arbeitet Ihr mit den RIXC Leuten zusammen (siehe Acoustic Space Lab)
>> On earth, in the space center in Graz, and optionally on all other  
>> sorts of locations, available data will be received and interpreted,  
>> in sound, light, temperature installations, to create his sensation  
>> of NOW, of present time, and of connectedness to this expansion and  
>> extension that surrounds us.
Sorry für die unsortierten Gedanken, wahrscheinlich kennt Ihr das alles,  
herzliche Grüße aus




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