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<font color=FF3C3C size=5 face=arial><b><center>Chheap softtwares for you, all are original 0EM</b><br><font size=4 color=0000ff>Major titles from MICR0S0FT and AD0BE for Rock Bottom prriice<br><font color=FF80C0 size=3>Great Bargaain Sa1e! Variety discoount softtwares at wholesale chaeap pricing!</center></font></font></font><br>
<b>Microsoft Wind0ws XP PR0fessional</b> - <font color=0000F2><b>my priice: $50</b></font><br>normal priice: $270.99 ; <font color=FF8D1C><b>you savve $220</b></font><br><br>
<b>Microsoft 0ffice XP PR0fessional</b> - <font color=0000F2><b>my priice: $100</b></font><br>normal priice: $579.99 ; <font color=FF8D1C><b>you savve $480</b></font><br><br>
<b>Ad0be photosh0p 7</b> - <font color=0000F2><b>my priice: $80</b></font><br>normal priice: $609.99 ; <font color=FF8D1C><b>you savve $550</b></font><br>
28 More P0PULAR titles >> <b><a href=http://juncture.virtual-pc.org target=_blank><font color=D20000 size=4 face=arial><u>cliickk here for more titles</u></font></a></b><br><br>
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<b>Wonder why our priices are unbelievably L0W?</b><br>
We are currently clearing our goods at incredibily cheeap sa1e-priice in connection with the shutdown of our shop and the closure of the stockhouse. Don't missss your lucky chance to get the best priicce on discoouunt software!<br><br>
We are the authorized agent and an established reseller offering OEM Licensing software.<br><br>
We possesses all the necessary certificates issued to verify the authenticity of genuine OEM products and granting the right for us to resell OEM software products.<br><br>
<center><a href=http://peltry.virtual-pc.org target=_blank><font color=D20000 size=4 face=verdana><u><b>Super Cheaep MICR0S0FT, AD0BE & all kind soft here<br><br>Cliickk here to enjoy our Superb Discouunnt!</u></font></a></center>
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