hallo, leute!
aus gegebenem anlass gibts heute eine spezialsendung zu radio 100 aus
amsterdam, von 20.00 - 21.00 uhr, johannes ist auf urlaub, also erlauben
wir uns, diese zeit zu squatten :-)
wir sind in diesem falle: cym, ales, lu, jogi und ich
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Thu, 29 Aug
2002 03:32:25 +0200 From: DFM rtv Int To: dfm@desk.nl Subject: !! The
Radio 100 Experience Live Today/night !! =================== !! RADIO 100
MUST STAY !! =================== Greetings all.. it's DFM HeadQuarters!
Still kicking:) DFM rtv will be broadcasting from and performing on the
Radio 100 presentation tonight in Paradiso in amsterdam. Radio 100 is
threatened in its existence and is organising great events to show what
makes Radio 100 so special. Next to the normal 16k mono and 40k stereo
broadcast we will try and supply a 80k stereo signal on web, this will be
about official broadcasting quality!!! When in Amsterdam.. do pass by, or
listen to Radio 100 on the 99.3 mhz FM. For the rest of the world, enjoy
our special 9 hour long webcast from Paradiso and do join us on IRC
channel #Radio100 on the IRCnet (or use our browser-interface). Here is
what Radio 100 says about it: = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = T H E R A D I O 1 0 0 E X P E
R I E N C E = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = What : Radio 100 live presentation Date : Thursday 29
August 2002 Location : Paradiso (down + upstairs) Weteringschans 6-8,
Amsterdam Time : 19:00 until the wee hours Entrance : 10 Euro (incl.
paradiso membership) See program below message. = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Will Radio 100, under
pressure of a new national policy which wants to exploit ALL FM and AM
frequencies commercially, be forced to give up its free place in de
Amsterdam aether after 20 years of non-commercial broadcasting? It's
becoming time that the Amsterdam politicians see and support the
importance of Radio 100 so a solution will be found whereby the anoying
illegality disappears and the Radio 100 makers can feel more at ease and
more can be invested in the station itself. For the amount of money for 1
year official radio making Radio 100 can deliver 5 years of great radio!
Radio 100 is doing actions to show that it already for 20 years has a
place in diverse cultural communities in Amsterdam and it even enjoys not
to be overseen worldwide fame as THE Amsterdam station. In theater "De
Kameleon" one could see how cosy and informative radio-making can be and
soon we will enter into a dialogue with politicians on a big political
debat in "De Balie". Now, on the 29th in Paradiso, we will show some
musically and soundscape-like things coming out of Radio 100, what kind
of artist perform live in the studio and give us their material and also
some renowned Radio 100 DJ's/Mixers. It became a powerfull line-up of
several different styles NOW music. Beeps & Clicks, Loops, Punk, Bunker
Techno, Dub, Experimental Madness, Elektronics en Electro -- coming from:
Netherlands, Germany, Australia, France, Belgium, USA and Japan.
EXPERIENCE! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = *** PROGRAM PARADISO DOWNSTAIRS *** 19:00-19:45 - Dr.
Beeldplaatje / side 19:45-20:15 - DubClub / side 20:15-20:40 uur -
Gert-Jan Prins / stage Electric Murmer, Hiss, Beeps, FM modulations
20:40-21:00 - Oorsmeer / side 21:00-21:25 uur - 87 Central / stage
Electronic mojo with visuals by Ruben van Leer 21:25-21:45 - Beautiful
Extremes / side 21:45-22:10 uur - Anton Price / stage Percussion,
electronics, bedlam 22:10-22:25 - Erik / stage 22:25-23:00 uur - DFM ;
also hosting a political statement / stage/side 23:00-23:25 uur - Solex /
stage Dr. Sample flavoured popsicles: stolen sweet is sugar best
23:25-01:00 uur - i/f / side Coca disco! Coca disco! 01:00 uur tot eind -
DJ-Low & Buscemi / side Straight outta Antwerp, no one do's it better - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ***
PROGRAM PARADISO UPSTAIRS *** MC: Panadoll 19:30-20:10 uur - Matthijs van
Kouw / stage 20:10-20:30 - Garden Room / side 20:30-20:55 uur - Philip
Samartzis / stage Used to be Zoviet France 20:55-21:15 - Accent Grave /
side 21:15-21:40 uur - Belch / stage One man orchestra: From slanted Rock
'n Roll to nowhere and from there on and back 21:40-22:00 - Secret Life
Of Minerals / side 22:00-22:25 uur - Los Looches / stage i Alarma! i
Rock! i Roll! 22:25-22:45 - Net Echt / side 22:45-23:10 uur - D-Rangers /
stage Punk mayhem from the deep: Gort! Klaatu Barada Nikto 23:10-23:30 -
Discipline (Peter; LOSD)/ side 23:30-23:55 uur - Thom Revolver / stage
Synth trash core croon punk. Bad taste never was that good 24:00 uur tot
eind - Echosonic / stage The phattest soundsystem to ever rule the
dancehall = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = !! Please forward to everyone you might think is interested !! =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =