[IP-SFS] Fight for a Real Republic

CEC Media Release mediareleases at cecaust.com.au
Thu Nov 12 06:03:45 CET 2009

Citizens Electoral Council of Australia

Media Release  11th of November 2009

Craig Isherwood‚ National Secretary

PO Box 376‚ COBURG‚ VIC 3058
Phone: 03 9354 0544 Fax: 03 9354 0166
Email: cec at cecaust.com.au
Website: http://www.cecaust.com.au

Fight for a Real Republic

Australians were right to instinctively reject the fraudulent Keating-
Turnbull republic ten years ago, but Australia needs to become 
a real republic, declared Citizens Electoral Council leader Craig Isherwood 
on the 10th anniversary of the Republic Referendum. 

“I challenge all Australians: join the fight for a real republic,” Mr 
Isherwood said. 

“A real republic is government of the people, by the people, and for the 

“Those words are not just a nice sentiment; they are the principle of 
republican government, in which the purpose of government is 
to promote the common good of the people, and the sovereignty of government 
lies with the people.” 

Mr Isherwood pointed to Australia’s own history, laid out in the CEC’s 
latest New Citizen newspaper report “The True History of the 
Founding of Australia”, which was shaped by the fight to become a republic: 

“The British Empire hated the principles of the new American republic, and 
was determined to crush it, but many thousands of early 
Australians, especially among the convict population which included so many 
Irish political prisoners, were inspired by the United 
States, and aspired for Australia to become a republic too,” Mr Isherwood 

“Arguably Australia’s greatest founding father, the Rev. Dr. John Dunmore 
Lang, was a staunch republican who strived for the British 
colonies of Australia to become the ‘United States of Australia’. 

“Tragically, the best opportunity to become a republic, in the 1890s, was 
lost, when the British played on racialist fears of yellow 
hordes from Asia, and Australians settled for Federation, under the Crown. 

“As the Colonial Office made clear when they oversaw the writing of the 
Australian Constitution and its passage as an Act of British 
Parliament, entrenching the Crown’s control was the key to keeping the City 
of London’s financial control over Australia—what ‘old’ 
Labor hated as the ‘Money Power’.” 

By 1999, Mr Isherwood observed, the major promoters of the “minimalist” 
republic push, Paul Keating and Malcolm Turnbull, were 
established agents for the same City of London-based Money Power, which is 
why they were determined to make sure that the republic 
proposal wasn’t for a president directly elected by the people. 

“The Keating-Turnbull model put to the 1999 referendum was worse than a 
republic in name only—it sought to entrench the British 
Money Power’s control over Australia into perpetuity,” he said. 

“They didn’t want direct-election, because it would make the executive 
answerable to the people, not the Money Power.” 

He concluded, “Australians must realise it isn’t enough to reject the 
fraudulent republic, we must fight for a real republic, to 
free Australia from the City of London’s financial power, and establish 
Australian government on the principle of the common good.” 

For the cutting edge of the fight to end the reign of the Money Power, 
watch LaRouche’s webcast, “The Great Change of 2009”, live 
at 5am AEDT, 12th November, at www.larouchepac.com (archived shortly 

Visit this page 
http://cecaust.com.au/main.asp?id=free_new_citizen_cv7n1.html for a free 
copy of the October/November New Citizen 
containing the Australian History feature.

Visit this link 
https://www.cecaust.com.au/main.asp?sub=ssl&id=membership.html to join the 
CEC as a member. 

Visit this link http://cecaust.com.au/main.asp?id=refer.html to refer 
others to receive regular email updates from the 
Citizens Electoral Council of Australia.  


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Authorised: Robert Barwick‚ 595 Sydney Rd‚ Coburg‚ Vic 3058 
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