[IP-SFS] Possible error in RFC 4824

Jogi Hofmüller ip-sfs at mur.at
Sun Apr 8 12:52:19 CEST 2007

Dear Clive!

* Clive D.W. Feather <clive at demon.net> [2007-04-06 20:15]:
> In section 3.4, the encodings for V/KAL and Y/RTT should be:
>                    SFS       |0      \0__
>                               |\      |
>                              / \     / \
>                               V       Y
>                    IP-SFS    KAL     RTT
> The forms you show actually encode the SFSes Y and M respectively.  Could
> you please confirm that interfaces should use the correct forms for SFSes
> V and Y for these control signals rather than those in the RFC text?

Yes, I can confirm that the correct forms for SFSes KAL and RTT are V
and Y. This is an embarrasing error and I am quite sad that none of us
found it prior to publishing :(

> In addition, you have omitted three other SFSes that, like Z, are unused in
>                    SFS       \0      |0/      0
>                               |\      |      |||
>                              / \     / \     /X\
>                             erase  numbers  space
> You will find the first two in [JCroft] and all three in [Wikipedia].

True. Erase could have been listed as unused. We didn't bother about
numbers since it doesn't have any significance in IP-SFS. The space sign
is used and should have been mentioned.

Thanks for being so observant! Unfortunately these errors will remain
since the IETF does not allow changes to published RFCs. I hope you
still like the document though ;)

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