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<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br>
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br></span>
<img src="cid:Line.png@B3F5A800.146A.4322.B6A7.8254C2537582"> <br><br><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >04-02-<BR>02-04-2017<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Maja Vukoje<BR>fuels 'n' frumps</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR><BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Eröffnung</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >: 03.02.2017, 18:00 <BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Künstlergespräch:</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > 16.02.2017, 18:00<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Katalog in Vorbereitung<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>kuratiert von Sandro Droschl<BR><BR>Medienpartner: der Standard<BR><BR>Find us at </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >https://www.facebook.com/kuenstlerhauskm/</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > or follow @kuenstlerhauskm on Instagram and Twitter.</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:Line.png@B3F5A800.146A.4322.B6A7.8254C2537582"> <br><br><br /><br /><img src="cid:KM-Maja-Vukoje.jpg@C576BE5F.EF1F.456B.B562.B75C9EA3C3AD"> <span class="header"><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "" >Maja Vukoje, Smokey & Bunty, 2016.<BR>Courtesy the artist and Galerie Martin Janda, Vienna, photo: Roland Krauss</SPAN></span><br><br><img src="cid:Line.png@B3F5A800.146A.4322.B6A7.8254C2537582"> <br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Das malerische Œuvre von </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >Maja Vukoje</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > (*1969 Düsseldorf) basiert auf der Auseinandersetzung mit Postkolonialismus, Gender und Populärkultur. Neben der eigenen Migrationserfahrung liegen ihrem Ansatz Recherche und Reisen zugrunde, um kulturelle Phänomene zu hinterfragen. Die daraus resultierende Vermischung von Wirklichkeiten setzt sie in einer komplexen und doch einfach zugänglichen Bildsprache um. In ihren aktuellen Arbeiten wählt Vukoje einen eher analytischen Zugang rund um Fragestellungen der Repräsentation. Mit dem metaphorischen Sujet der Vogelscheuche (Paul Klee, 1935) nimmt der Titel Anleihen am traditionellen Genrebild von Körpern und ihnen nahe-<BR>stehenden Dingen, deren Verfasstheit und (An-)Triebskräfte die Künstlerin in politisch unübersichtlichen Zeiten zur Diskussion stellt. Die Personale gibt einen Überblick auf die Produktion der letzten fünf Jahre, die zunehmend eine genuine Sprache der Malerei erkennen lässt. <a href="http://www.km-k.at/de/exhibition/maja-vukoje/text/">Langtext</a><BR><BR><BR>--<BR><BR><BR>04-02-<BR>02-04-2017<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Maja Vukoje<BR>fuels 'n' frumps</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR><BR>Opening</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >: 03.02.2017, 6 pm<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Artist talk:</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > 16.02.2017, 6 pm<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Catalogue in progress<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>Curated by Sandro Droschl<BR><BR>Media partner: der Standard<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >Maja Vukoje</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';" >’s</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > (*1969 Düsseldorf) paintings are based on her exploration of post-colonialism, gender, and pop culture. The approach is based on her own experience as a migrant, but she also undertakes journeys and research to question cultural phenomena. She translates the resulting mix of realities into a complex, yet easily accessible visual language. For her recent works she’s chosen to take a rather analytical approach to the process of questioning representation. With the metaphorical subject of the scarecrow (Paul Klee, Vogelscheuche, 1935) the title alludes to the traditional generic images of depicting bodies and their objects, while presenting their substance and (driving) force for discussion in politically confusing times. The solo show is a survey of the art produced in the past five years, which increasingly recognizes a genuine language of painting. <a href="http://www.km-k.at/en/exhibition/maja-vukoje/text/">Read more</a></SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:Line.png@B3F5A800.146A.4322.B6A7.8254C2537582">
<img src="cid:KM-Logo-NL.png@9F683799.A574.4BE5.8957.DFB8800E5A17">
<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br><br></span>
<a href="mailto:hd@km-k.at">Contact</a><br><a href="mailto:info@km-k.at">Unsubscribe</a>
<img src="cid:Line.png@B3F5A800.146A.4322.B6A7.8254C2537582">
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br>
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