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<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br>
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br></span>
<img src="cid:Line.png@68F14E5F.D406.4E23.8FE9.601E9EBE6538"> <br><br><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >An Art Day's Night </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Ausgabe 99<BR><BR><BR>15-10-2015 20:00<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Konzerte</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Calvin Johnson / Lime Crush</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';" ><BR>Zuvor wird die 20 minütige Kurz-Dokumentation zum Hintergrund der Entstehung des gleichnamigen NorthWest Hip Hop Compilation Album "All Your Friend’s Friends" [KLP255] ausgestrahlt.<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR>https://www.facebook.com/events/166871446988221/<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';" ><BR>Eintritt: freiwillige Spende</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:Line.png@68F14E5F.D406.4E23.8FE9.601E9EBE6538"> <br><br><br /><br /><img src="cid:KM-Calvin-Johnson.jpg@E1B16DD7.6DEA.47CD.A07B.D74270D2AA5A"> <span class="header"><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "" >Calvin Johnson, Foto /photo Sarah Cass</SPAN></span><br><br><img src="cid:Line.png@68F14E5F.D406.4E23.8FE9.601E9EBE6538"> <br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Calvin Johnson (Olympia, Washington | K Records)</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Calvin Johnson</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > ist ein Gitarrist, Sänger, Songwriter, Produzent und DJ aus Olympia, Washington. Als Teenager begann er beim lokalen Radio Sender KAOS-FM, zur gleichen Zeit arbeitete er auch am Fanzine Sub Pop, organisierte Konzerte und Film-Vorführungen und spielte in den Bands Cool Rays, The Go Team und Beat Happening. 1982 gründet er dann K Records, einzig mit dem Ziel der Dokumentation der lokalen Musik-Szene. 1993 eröffnete er zudem das Dub Narcotic Studio, in dem er Künstler_innen wie Beck, Modest Mouse, Mirah und Robyn Hitchcock aufgenommen hat. Auch wenn er bis heute in einer Vielzahl weiterer Gruppen wie Dub Narcotic Sound System, Halo Benders und die Hive Dwellers tätig war und ist, bleibt vermutlich Beat Happening aus den 1980er-Jahren sein bis heute bekanntestes musikalisches Projekt. Mit Look Around erscheint noch dieses Jahr eine re-masterte Karriere-überblickende Doppel-Album-Anthologie zum Start einer umfangreichen Wiederveröffentlichungsreihe weiterer Beat Happening-Alben auf dem englischen Domino Label. Seit Anfang der 2000er-Jahre bereist er auch unter seinem bürgerlichen Namen musikalisch solo die Welt, wovon auch die drei auf K Records erschienenen Longplayer zeugen.<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >K Records: http://shop.krecs.com/pages/calvin-johnson/</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >
</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >bandcamp: https://calvinjohnson.bandcamp.com</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >
</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5u0teDp5f0<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Lime Crush (Wien | Fettkakao)<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>Unterstützung kommt zuvor von den schnellen, flinken </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Lime Crush</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > aus Wien, bei denen sich die auch in anderen lauten D.I.Y.-Zusammenhängen verdient machenden Jasmin Rilke (Aivery), Andi Dvorák (fettkakao), Nicoletta Hernandez (Mopedrock!!) und Veronika Eberhart (Plaided, Tirana) zusammengetan haben. Im instrumentellen Rotationsprinzip fliegen ihnen diese schönen Feuerwerke als kleine Hits zu, selbst das Nachrichtenmagazin Profil kam 2015 nicht umhin, ihr 7“-Debut (Fettkakao #38) als „gut gelaunten, vorlauten, tanzbaren Garagenrock mit Kunstunifärbung von vier der umtriebigsten und klügsten Punkrock-AktivistInnen Wiens“ zu bezeichnen.<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >bandcamp: http://fettkakao.bandcamp.com/album/lime-crush</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >
</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >theyshootmusic: http://theyshootmusic.at/semi-acoustic-video-sessions/lime-crush/<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >--</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >An Art Day's Night </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Release 99<BR><BR><BR>15-10-2015 8pm<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Concerts</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Calvin Johnson / Lime Crush</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';" >First the 20min documentary about the background of the origin of the NorthWest hip hop compilation album K released last year, "All Your Friend’s Friends" [KLP255] will be screened.<BR><BR>admission: voluntary donation<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Calvin Johnson (Olympia, Washington | K Records)</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Calvin Johnson is a guitarist, singer, songwriter, producer and Dj from Olympia, Washington. As a teenager he began working at the local radio station KAOS-FM, at the same time he also worked on Sub Pop fanzine, organized concerts and film screenings, and played in the bands Cool Rays, The Go Team, Beat Happening. In 1982, he founded K Records, solely for the purpose of documentation of the local music scene. In 1993, he also opened the Dub Narcotic Studio, in which he recorded artists like Beck, Modest Mouse, Mirah and Robyn Hitchcock. Even though he acted and still plays in a variety of other groups such as Dub Narcotic Sound System, Halo Benders and the Hive Dwellers, his most famous musical project until today is probably Beat Happening from the 1980ies. This year, Domino Records also releases „Look Around“ a remastered, career-spanning double album anthology as starting point for an extensive Beat Happening album reissue series in 2016. Since the early 2000s he travels the musical world solo under his real name, which is confirmed by the three appeared longplayers on K Records.<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >K Records: http://shop.krecs.com/pages/calvin-johnson/</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >
</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >bandcamp: https://calvinjohnson.bandcamp.com</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >
</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5u0teDp5f0<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Lime Crush (Vienna | Fettkakao)<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>Targeting support comes from the fast, nimble Lime Crush from Vienna, around which already in other noisy DIY contexts exceling Jasmin Rilke (Aivery) Andi Dvorák (Fettkakao), Nicoletta Hernandez (Mopedrock!!), and Veronika Eberhart (Plaided, Tirana) have come together. In an instrumental rotation principle, these beautiful fireworks flew to them as little hits, even the Austrian news magazine Profil could not help to call the 7" debut (Fettkakao #38) in 2015 a “good-humored, cheeky, danceable garage rock with ‘Kunstunifärbung’ (art academy coloring) of four of the most active and brightest punk rock activists of Vienna.”<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >bandcamp: http://fettkakao.bandcamp.com/album/lime-crush</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >
</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >theyshootmusic: http://theyshootmusic.at/semi-acoustic-video-sessions/lime-crush/</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:Line.png@68F14E5F.D406.4E23.8FE9.601E9EBE6538">
<img src="cid:KM-Logo-NL.png@BD8A408B.76B7.4105.9BC2.71D20F762915">
<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br><br></span>
<a href="mailto:hd@km-k.at">Contact</a><br><a href="mailto:info@km-k.at">Unsubscribe</a>
<img src="cid:Line.png@68F14E5F.D406.4E23.8FE9.601E9EBE6538">
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br>
<img src="cid:KMLogoSupporter1.png@3685DF58.F306.4BE8.9644.A6FD5E1A3B99">