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<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br>
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br></span>
<img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96"> <br><br><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >An Art Day's Night<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Ausgabe 93<BR><BR>09-07-<BR>2015 -18:00<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Katalogpräsentationen & Kuratorenführung<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 18px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Buchbestellungen unter: as@km-k.at</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 18px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Besuchen Sie auch unseren Kunstbuchshop Motto Graz!<BR><BR>please scroll down for English version</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96"> <br><br><br /><br /><img src="cid:KM-Cover.jpg@83CFA818.A6EC.4B28.B4FD.90F8FDE2E166"> <span class="header"><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "" >Cover, wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles, Hg. Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, 2015</SPAN></span><br><br><img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96"> <br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Zur Ausstellung </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" ><a href="http://www.km-k.at/de/exhibition/wow-woven-entering-subtextiles/">wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles</a></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > erscheint begleitend eine Publikation, die an diesem Abend präsentiert werden wird. Die Begleitbroschüre umfasst neben einem Einleitungstext und Werktexten von Kurator Christian Egger einen ausführlichen Essay der Professorin und Autorin T’ai Smith.<BR>T’ai Smith veröffentlichte ihre Texte unter anderem bei „Journal“, „Grey Room“, „Journal of Modern Craft“ oder „Texte zur Kunst“; 2014 erschien zudem ihr Buch „Bauhaus Weaving Theory: From Feminine Craft to Mode of Design“ bei University of Minnesota Press.<BR><BR>--<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >An Art Day's Night<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Release 93<BR><BR>09-07-<BR>2015 -6pm<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" >Catalogue presentation & curator's talk<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" ><a href="http://www.km-k.at/de/exhibition/wow-woven-entering-subtextiles/">wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles</a></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR><BR>Accompanying the exhibition </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><a href="http://www.km-k.at/de/exhibition/wow-woven-entering-subtextiles/">wow! Woven? Entering the (sub)Textiles</a></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > a publication, which will be presented that evening, will be published. In addition to an introduction and texts on the individual works by curator Christian Egger, the accompanying brochure contains an extensive essay of professor and author T'ai Smith.<BR>Her texts have been published at "Journal," "Grey Room," "Journal of Modern Craft," "Texte zur Kunst," and many more. In 2014 her book „Bauhaus Weaving Theory: From Feminine Craft to Mode of Design“ has been published at University of Minnesota Press.<BR><BR>to order the book please contact: as@km-k.at<BR>Visit also our art bookshop Motto Graz!</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96">
<img src="cid:KM-Logo.png@9D4B7364.E365.4C79.ADB7.DCA8722186DC">
<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br><br></span>
<a href="mailto:hd@km-k.at">Contact</a><br><a href="mailto:info@km-k.at">Unsubscribe</a>
<img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96">
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br>
<img src="cid:KM-Logo-Supporter.png@02C7B91D.1F18.4EFD.8FFC.FA0B5C37FB7A">