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<div id="corp"><img src="cid:KM-Logo.png@66E9BEC6.57CC.460A.B9DC.92DCADCD4BA4">
<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br>
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br></span>
<img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96"> <br><br><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >please scroll down for English version<BR><BR>05-02-<BR>2015 -18:00<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Künstlergespräch<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >kill your darlings<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >mit Zita Oberwalder <BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 12px;" ><BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Die in Graz lebende Fotografin, die 2014 mit dem „Outstanding Artist Award“ des Bundeskanzleramts für ihre fotografische Arbeit ausgezeichnet wurde, erörtert an diesem Abend ihre künstlerische Praxis anhand der in der Ausstellung „kill your darlings“ präsentierten Fotografien und Texte. Sie stellt sich dem Publikum und den sich ergebenden Fragen zu Motiven und Hintergründen ihrer weitreichenden, sich nicht nur auf das Medium Fotografie und die rege Reisepraxis reduzierenden, existentiellen Suchbewegungen.<BR><BR>Fanzine erhältlich<BR><BR>nächste Woche am 12.02. um 18h: </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >Kuratorenführung</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > zu den aktuell im KM- gezeigten Ausstellungen<BR> <BR>KM-Jahreskarten-Bestellungen: hd@km-k.at</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96"> <br><br><br /><br /><img src="cid:KM-Zita-Oberwalder.jpg@37FA8003.D6E3.4900.86A9.3789B2D14D72"> <span class="header"><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "" >Zita Oberwalder, Beach Closed, "Little Odessa" (New York), Fotografie/ photograph, 2010.<BR>Courtesy die Künstlerin</SPAN></span><br><br><img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96"> <br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >05-02-<BR>2015 -6pm<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Artist talk<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >kill your darlings<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >with Zita Oberwalder <BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>The Graz-based artist who received the 2014 Federal Chancellor’s "Outstanding Artist Award" for her photographic work will talk about her artistic practice by reference to the works and texts presented in the exhibition "kill your darlings". She will answer questions about her motivation and the background of her comprehensive existential research which is not necessarily only tied to the medium of photography and her busy travels. <BR><BR>Fanzine available<BR><BR>next week on Thursday Feb 12, at 6pm </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >curator’s talk</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > on the exhibitions currently on view at KM-<BR><BR>Order your KM-Years Pass under hd@km-k.at</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96">
<img src="cid:KM-Logo.png@66E9BEC6.57CC.460A.B9DC.92DCADCD4BA4">
<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> <br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br><br></span>
<a href="mailto:hd@km-k.at">Contact</a><br><a href="mailto:info@km-k.at">Unsubscribe</a>
<img src="cid:line.png@2E82AB83.7C53.411F.8943.1B2A0A932E96">
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br>
<img src="cid:KM-Logo-Supporter.png@02C7B91D.1F18.4EFD.8FFC.FA0B5C37FB7A">