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<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top; white-space: nowrap;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">26.11.2014 (mi)</span><br /> <br /> <big style="font-weight: bold;">M.A.D.</big> <br /> <br /> Club Wakuum<br /> Griesgasse 25<br /> 8020 Graz<br /> Einlass: 20:00</td>
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<small><span style="font-size: small;"><br /> Aktuelle Informationen und Videos: <a href="http://interpenetration.net">http://interpenetration.net</a></span><br /> <br /> </small>
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<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;" colspan="2"><br /> Fakt 1: Gleich nach geld ist popularität eines der wichtigsten dinge. Fakt 2: Wo schon was ist, sammelt sich schnell mehr davon an.<br /> Um also populärer zu werden, beschloss ich vor einiger zeit, mir selbst einen liebesbrief zu schreiben. Als ich dann damit angab, wollte mein gegenüber den brief sehen. Da ich natürlich nur ein leeres kuvert mithatte, zeigte ich ihm einen leeren zettel und behauptete, dass nur von gott ausserwählte den inhalt lesen könnten. Er lobte und preiste meine popularität. Was dazu führte, dass die menschen um uns begannen, ihn als gesandten gottes zu verehren. Relativ schnell fiel ihm eine grosse gefolgschaft zu, die er dazu nützte, vasen zu verkaufen und unendlich reich zu werden.<br /> Die nächste möglichkeit, diese vasen bei mir zu erstehen, ist diesen Mittwoch beim konzert von M.A.D.<br /> <span
class="st">プブブブブブブブブ<br /> </span><span style="font-size: small;"><br /> </span> <br /> <br />
<p>Michael Fischer, tenor saxophone, violin<br /> Alessandro Vicard, double-bass, live processing, samples<br /> Didi Kern, drums</p>
<p>We have been living in the cosmos of improvised music before M. A. D. ‘s emergence in 2012 for some xxx years, exploring the realms of jazz, noise, contemporary, rock …, collaborating with poets, fine artists and dancers …, having moments of terrestrial and cosmic alertness and connectivity, the chance to experience poetic sound entities, a vast quest of uncountable sensations offered by this generous universe in sound and dialogue – sometimes taking us maybe two millimeters closer to the realization of the permancence of the eternal emanation, thus …. appearances moozak festival, Vienna; next festival, Bratislava; irtijal festival, Beirut</p>
<p>ALESSANDRO VICARD bassist and composer, born in Sicily, studied bass with Corrado Canonici and Wolfgang Güttler, Music Institute G. Rossini, Pesaro. Studies in classical and contemporary music, jazz, improvised music and composition; in 1994 he began playing radical improvised music with Davide Granato and Elio Amato, Italy. Since then working with composers and visual artists such as Peter Greenaway & Saskia Boddeke (multimedia work The Blue Planet, Expo Zaragoza), Giancarlo Schiaffini, Michael Riessler, Benat Achiary, Massimo Cohen, Kuchera-Morin, Agostino DiScipio, Cort Lippe, Marcello Nisinman, Barre Phillips, Steve Potts; music for theater and film productions.<br /> <a href="https://soundcloud.com/alessandrovicard" target="_blank">https://soundcloud.com/alessandrovicard </a></p>
<p>DIDI KERN, starting to play the drums in marching bands, soon musician in rock, improvised music and techno, is mainly known for his contributions in bands like Bulbul or Fuckhead; he is also founding member of broken heart collector and collaborator of international musicians like Philipp Quehenberger, Ken Vandermark, Mats Gustafsson and is also active in the field of riding his bicycle; tours have taken him to places like the Royal Festival Hall / London, Museum Serralves / Porto a.m.o.</p>
<p>MICHAEL FISCHER, musician-composer in the realm of improvised music/noise/soundscapes, on saxophone, violin, conducted instant compostions, cd-players/mixer. After official studies in jazz and a brief period of composing, quickly turned to free jazz and, after working with William Parker and Denis Charles in New York 1997/98, radically to improvisation; since then scouting out the language immanence of sounds incl. the physical borders, f.i. elaborating the feedback_saxophone. In the last years he has collaborated a.o. with John Edwards, Mark Sanders, Hilary Jeffery, Michael Vatcher, Marcos Baggiani, Felicity Provan, Atsuhiro Ito, Joao Castro Pinto and worked with artists/artist collectives like Marc Adrian (op-art, exp. movie), Dmitri Prigow (russ. conceptualist), Eileen Standley, Baby-Q dance company Tokyo, LeGGRIL Rimouski, Canada, FOCO Orquesta Madrid, The Meeting Point/NL a.o.. 2005 he founded the Vienna Improvisers Orchestra. Performances at venues and festivals thr!
Europe, Japan, US and Canada.<br /> <a href="http://m.fischer.wuk.at/" target="_blank">http://m.fischer.wuk.at </a></p>
<br /> <span style="font-size: small;"><br /> </span>
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<td style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;" colspan="2"><br /> <span style="font-size: small;"><a href="http://interpenetration.net">Interpenetration website</a><br /> <br /> <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/marufura">chmafu nocords auf youtube</a> </span><br /> <br /> <a href="mailto:office@dieeintrittskarte.at"><br /> </a>
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<p style="text-align: center;"><small>Available in many colors and styles:</small></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><img class="alignnone" style="width: 160px; height: 149px;" title="Interpenetration T-shirt" src="http://chmafu.mur.at/interpenetration_t-shirt.png" alt="" /></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><small>Bio and Fair Trade!<br /> Printed at <a href="http://www.siebdruckeria.at/" target="_blank">Siebdruckeria</a></small></p>
<p style="text-align: center;"><small>If you want one, come to our shows or <a href="mailto:interpenetration@nocords.net">write an email</a>.</small></p>
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