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<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> KM–<br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br>
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br></span>
<img src="cid:Line.png@F5BCF051.942E.4160.AE02.F1F11323D48C"> <br><br><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >please scroll down for English version<BR><BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >ordinary freaks</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >An Art Day’s GIG Nights<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>20-11-<BR>2014-20:00<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Konzert</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >The first word +<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >http://geissler.klingt.org/the_first_word_plus.cgi<BR><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Programm Specials zur Finissage</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >19:00 </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';text-decoration:underline;" >Kuratorenführung</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > und anschließende<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';text-decoration:underline;" >Publikationspräsentation</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #1A1A1A;" >Moby Dick Filet (Harpune Verlag, Wien)</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR><BR>GIG 20:00 / Bar 19 – 22:00<BR><BR>Am 20.11., dem letzten Tag der aktuell laufenden Ausstellung „ordinary freaks. Das Prinzip Coolness in Popkultur, Theater und Museum“ ist der </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Eintritt für alle Besucher/innen frei</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Sonderprogramm am 20.11., 9:30 Kultur-Kick-off Frühstück des Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur-Aktionstages 2014<BR>Programm </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #0000FF;text-decoration:underline;" >http://hakuk.mur.at</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #0000FF;text-decoration:underline;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" ><a href="https://www.facebook.com/KunstlerhausHalleFurKunstMedien">Visit us on Facebook</a></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>Follow us on </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >Instagram</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > and tumblr: KuenstlerhausKM</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:Line.png@F5BCF051.942E.4160.AE02.F1F11323D48C"> <br><br><br /><br /><img src="cid:KM-The_first_word_+.jpg@6EEA36F6.70EA.4609.BB1D.1F919A1B5528"> <span class="header"><br><br><SPAN STYLE= "" >The first word + © Walter Seidl </SPAN></span><br><br><img src="cid:Line.png@F5BCF051.942E.4160.AE02.F1F11323D48C"> <br><br><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >Während und eigens für die Ausstellung </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >ordinary freaks – Das Prinzip Coolness in Popkultur, Theater und Museum</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > entstand durch Errichtung einer Bühne im Untergeschoss des KM– eine Clubsituation, in der in einem umfangreichen Begleitprogramm </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >An Art Day’s GIG Nights</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > mit Lesungen und Live-Konzerten über den Ausstellungszeitraum hinweg die mit solchen Unternehmen verbundenen Musealisierungsgefahren aufgeführt und wieder gebrochen wurden und bis einschließlich 20.11. weiterhin Prüfung erfahren.<BR><BR>Am letzten Abend der Ausstellung führt Kurator Christian Egger noch einmal durch die Räume und erläutert Entstehung und Verlauf des in Zusammenarbeit mit dem deutschen Theaterregisseur und Musiker Schorsch Kamerun entwickelten Projektes zum diesjährigen steirischen herbst. Zudem wird er ausgewählte Music-Clips präsentieren anhand jener sich Formen und Entwicklungen der Darstellung von Authentizität betrachten und diskutieren<BR>lassen.<BR><BR>Als </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Finissagen Special</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #1A1A1A;" >freuen wir uns an diesem Abend den Wiener Harpune Verlag begrüßen zu dürfen, der ausgewählte Vorzugsausgaben der Reihe „Moby Dick Filet“ vorstellen wird und das von Christian Egger gestaltete „Moby Dick Filet</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #1A1A1A;font-weight: bold;" > #</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #262626;" > Filet No 119“ </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #1A1A1A;" >vorstellen wird</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #262626;" >.</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #1A1A1A;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR>Das Projekt </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >The first word +</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > von Stefan Geissler („I wanna boogie with you“, piano / programming) und Christian Egger (Vocals) lag geschlagene sieben Jahre auf Eis. Nun aber, nach dem Band-Neustart, wird mit frischen Einsichten und konzentriert an fragilem Avantgarde-Pop gefeilt, anhand ausgewählter Coverversionen tautologische Grundstrukturen von Popklassikern aufgezeigt und respektvoll an Genre-Einschränkungen gestupst.<BR><BR>--<BR><BR>20-11-
2014-8pm<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Concert</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >The first word +<BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >Program Specials Finissage</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >7pm </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >curatorial talk</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > and </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;text-decoration:underline;" >publication launch</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #1A1A1A;" >Moby Dick Filet (Harpune Verlag, Vienna)</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #1A1A1A;" ><BR></SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" >GIG 8pm / Bar 7 – 10pm<BR><BR>Free admission for all visitors on Nov 20., the last day of the exhibition on show “ordinary freaks. The Principle of Coolness in Pop Culture, Theater and Museum!“<BR><BR>20.11., 9:30am Culture-Kick-off Brunch “Hunger auf Kunst & Kultur-Aktionstages 2014“<BR>Program </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;color: #0000FF;text-decoration:underline;" >http://hakuk.mur.at</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" ><BR><BR>During and specially designed for </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >ordinary freaks – The Principle of Coolness in Pop Culture, Theatre and Museum</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > through the erection of a stage a club situation takes form in the lower level of the KM–. In a comprehensive programme </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >An Art Day’s GIG Nights</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > (Gig 8pm / Bar 7-10pm) accompanying and extending beyond the exhibition duration, for instance featuring readings and live concerts, the perils of musealisation related to such undertakings will be enacted and then disrupted again.<BR><BR>Stefan Geissler’s (“I Wanna Boogie with You,” piano/programming) and Christian Egger’s (vocals) project </SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;text-decoration:underline;" >The first word +</SPAN><SPAN STYLE= "font-family: '';font-size: 13px;" > was on ice for seven years. Now, however, the band has made a new start. With fresh insights, they concentrate on honing their fragile, avant-garde pop, using selected cover versions to reveal tautological basic structures of pop classics, and prodding respectfully at the limits of genre.</SPAN><br /><br /><img src="cid:Line.png@F5BCF051.942E.4160.AE02.F1F11323D48C">
<img src="cid:KM-Logo.png@7DB236E6.7D8A.4114.99F9.D73F8AD10ABE">
<p><span class="header"><u>Künstlerhaus</u> KM–<br><u>Halle für Kunst & Medien</u><br>
Burgring 2, 8010 Graz, Austria<br><br></span>
<a href="mailto:hd@km-k.at">Contact</a><br><a href="mailto:info@km-k.at">Unsubscribe</a>
<img src="cid:Line.png@F5BCF051.942E.4160.AE02.F1F11323D48C">
<a href="http://www.km-k.at">www.km-k.at</a><br><br>
<img src="cid:KM-Logo-Supporter.png@02C7B91D.1F18.4EFD.8FFC.FA0B5C37FB7A">