[Grml] First Release Candidate of Grml 2011.05 available

chris h ch at grml.org
Sat May 21 13:17:54 CEST 2011

Dear Grml users,

We are proud to announce the first release canidate of the upcoming
version 2011.05, code-named "Just Mari"!

For detailed information about the changes between 2010.12 and
2011.05 have a look at:

As usual we have different flavours available: the 32bit versions grml,
grml-medium and grml-small as well as the 64bit versions grml64,
grml64-medium and grml64-small.

Known issues can be found at:

Please test the ISOs and everything you usually use and report back, so
we can complete the stable release soon.  If no major problems come up,
the next iteration will be the stable release, which is scheduled for
end of May.


Download the ISOs from:


If you run a mirror for grml (or plan to do so), please get in touch
with us. We would like to improve our mirror setup and offer the
possibility for more timely updates with less regular checking
involved. Please mail contact at grml.org.


The Grml developers recognize that today is a very special day for our
project leader, Michael Prokop. We would like to wish him as well as
Marianne all the best.

Happy hacking and have fun with Grml!

  On behalf of the Grml team.

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