[Grml] Personal grml-Recovery-CD (grml remastered)

Werner P. Schulz flying at wp-schulz.de
Tue Oct 5 11:55:06 CEST 2010

T o n g schrieb:
> On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 15:02:21 +0200, Werner P. Schulz wrote:
>> As an alternative to
>> http://wiki.grml.org/doku.php?id=remastering
>> I have done remaster of grml-medium_2010.04.iso using hd-installation in
>> VirtualBox.
> Have you noticed the recommend way of remasting of grml on the page you 
> mentioned?
> "Notice: grml-live is a new framework (based on FAI) for creating your 
> own Linux Live-CD based on Debian/grml. Instead of remastering an 
> existing grml-ISO (like described below) you can create a fully 
> customized version from scratch.
> Moreover, you can use it to create Stacked Grml."

Of course I know grml-live and some times ago I studied grml-live, 
grml-autoconfig, persistency on grml etc in detail.

But for me it is complicated and time expensive. In contrast to 
grml-live my method only needs a few minutes.

Gruss Werner

"Persoenliche Knoppix-Rettungs-CD erstellen (Knoppix remaster)"

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