<p>US Stock-Market - Stock Profile of the Week<br>
Symbol: HTDS<br>
Market: PK<br>
The Last time HTDS was at this price level it went from .038 to 10 cents in just
a few days.<br>
Before we begin our profile we have very exciting, breaking news...<br>
Tubercin Passes Toxicity Trials - Ready To Proceed To Live Cancer Trials<br>
Incorporated (Pink Sheets:HTDS) announces that Tubercin® has passed the toxicity
tests required to proceed to the live cancer trials. Testing Tubercin® on live
Melanoma, Lung and Breast cancer cells will begin immediately. The President and
CEO, Mr. Colm J. King, met with the spokesperson of the medical team at their
offices in Oklahoma City. Mr. King was advised that the tests were conducted
under strict FDA (Federal Drug Administration) guidelines. Full test results
will be available at the corporate offices as soon as the reports and findings
are printed. <br>
"These are the most promising results to date regarding Tubercin® and we're
looking forward to additional positive results in the near future," stated Mr.
King. "These tests prove that Tubercin® is non-toxic and is the first step on
the way to human clinical trials as well as the first positive break-through
conducted in the United States with an independent medical team for Tubercin®."
Operating out of Delray Beach, Florida, Hard to Treat Diseases Incorporated ("HTTD")
holds the international marketing rights, except South Korea, to Tubercin®, a
patented immunostimulant developed for combating Cancer under medical patent (US
Patent 6,274,356). The unique properties unlike other cancer products are
clearly stated in the abstract summary of the patent... "A carbohydrate complex,
which is a mixture of low molecular-weight polysaccharides of an arabinomannan
structure extracted from Mycobacterium tuberculosis, is highly effective in
treating various cancer patients without incurring any adverse side effects."
HTDS is now at an emerging and potentially explosive stage. As stated in their
press release, Tubercin is now ready to proceed (after tests conducted under
strict FDA guidelines) to human clinical trials. While they have jumped one very
big hurdle, they are still in the early stages of development and now is a great
time for investors to take heed.<br>
Over the past ten years, epoch making anticancer agents have continuously been
introduced, but the mortality of cancer patients have been rising in the U.S.
and the European countries not to mention Japan and Korea. The decisive measure
to cope with cancer is surgery.<br>
When the cancer cells spread throughout a person instead of remaining on the
original spot, the treatment should take into consideration chemotherapy,
radiation therapy and immunotherapy. The drawback of such therapies, however, is
they incur damages not only on cancer cells, but also on the normal cells. <br>
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are not suitable for application on weakened
patients, especially those above 70. Historically, various forms of
immunotherapy have been performed, falling short of therapeutic expectation.
When Bacille calmetteguerin is used as an active no-specific immunotherapeutic
agent, however, the patient's prognosis turns better through a simulative action
on immune system of the cancer case. <br>
Professor T.H. Chung of Korea extracted carbohydrate complex Tubercin from
microbacterium tuberculosis to be used as immunostimulant. This was meant to
activate the T-lymphocyte of the cancer patient to produce lymphokine. This
process strengthened and promoted immuno surveillance activities in deficient
state and alleviated the pain and prolonged the life of cancer patients.<br>
Of late the pharmaceutical industry in advanced countries started to put on the
market so called cancer vaccines (active specific immunotherapy). The vaccines,
bacterial extracts, as adjuvants, with autologous and or allogenic cancer cells
to generate antibodies to cancer cells, facilitating the killer T-cells to
recognize and destroy cancer cells.<br>
The laboratory work to modify autologous or allogenic cancer cells are not
ordinary and simple. When our lab work augments the active specific
immunotherapeutic agents, the Tubercin will be one of the best adjuvants.
Meanwhile, the main point of AIDS is its virus killing T-cells and Tubercin
helps maintain healthy T-cells. Consequently, we focus our effort on the
application of Tubercin to AIDS.<br>
TUBERCIN is derived from micro bacterium tuberculosis. As an immunostimulant,
TUBERCIN strengthens a person's own immune system and assists in seeking out and
combating cancer cells. HTTD is potentially able to develop TUBERCIN into a
low-cost product to treat cancer patients on an international scale. Salient
treatment, through the administration of TUBERCIN, could positively affect
thousands of lives in North America. In addition, Europe and Asia have millions
of lives at risk each year because of viral diseases such as cancer.<br>
TUBERCIN IS A FINISHED PRODUCT. Tubercin as an inmunostimulant has been
administered to human patients in stages three and four of terminal cancer.
There have been no indications of any adverse side effects in human trials.
There has been encouraging results of patients with TUBERCIN in the last
fourteen years. Various forms of cancer were involved and many of the patients
A review of clinical studies indicate TUBERCIN has no side effects and could
possibly be administered in conjunction with other such modalities for the
treatment of cancer without any adverse effects. The scientific presumption
would be the distinct possibility of a strengthened immunity system and the
administration of treatment such as chemotherapy at the later stages of tumor
growth would not be impeded by the weakened condition of the terminal cancer
patient. To this end the Company has been assisted by outside consultants
reviewing the research data and human trials involving TUBERCIN to see
specifically whereby incidents of dual treatment produced favorable results in
terms of moving toward indication of prolongation of the life of the cancer
There is recognition that morphine is an trusted pain killer, but in totality it
cannot be said that it has no side effects. In the maintaining of patient care,
there is the strong possibility that TUBERCIN could be also considered as a
candidate for a pain management. The Company's scientists describe TUBERCIN as
having the high propensity of deadening the nerve endings in specific areas
where cancer has caused erosion and consequently much pain.<br>
Presently, HTTD has the patent rights for Korea, Japan and the United States.
The Korean patent was issued on October 29, 1998 (Registration No. 173362). The
Japanese patent was issued on June 12, 1998 (Registration No. 2790447). The
United States patent was issued on August 14, 2001 (Registration No.6,274,356).
Currently, patents are pending for Canada and Europe (the United Kingdom,
France, Germany, Italy and Spain). <br>
In the 20th century, the number of cancer patients has been on the rise.
Although many anti-cancer agents were developed and an enormous study on its
essence continued, the mortality by cancer still is on the rise. Mankind may be
chronically threatened with cancer in the 21st century. Nine million new case of
cancer occur annually and five million people die from breast cancer, reports
the World Health Organization. Dramatic rises in life expectancy and change in
lifestyle are estimated to increase the number of new cancer cases to 20 million
annually by 2020 and cancer deaths to more than 10 million. <br>
About 552,200 Americans - more than 1,500 people a day - are excepted to die of
cancer this year. In the United States, one of every four deaths is attributed
to cancer. Cancer is the second-leading cause of death in the United States.
Exceeded only by heart disease. About 5 million lives have been lost to cancer
since 1990 and about 13 million new cases have been diagnosed. In 2000, more
then 1.2 million new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed. The number of
cancer cases will continue to grow, spurred by the aging population. By 2009,
tese patients could total 8.4 million. In 1997, about 6.3 million people
worldwide died from some form of cancer, and most major international cancer
agencies expect this number to double by 2022.<br>
Please note that HTDS had absolutley nothing to do with this report and is not a
participant in any way.<br>
No more advertisements: http://doubleopt.biz/optout.html<br>
This report is based on Stock-Market Spotlight's independent analysis but also
relies on information supplied by sources believed to be reliable. This report
may not be the opinion of HTDS management. This report should be considered
biased and contains usually only positive statements regarding the featured
company. Stock-Market Spotlight does not own or will not purchase HTDS common
shares in the open market. The information contained in this report shall not
constitute, an offer to sell or solicitation of any offer to purchase any
security. Penny stocks are considered to be highly speculative and may be
unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. It is intended for information
and entertainment only. Some statements may contain so-called "forward-looking
statements". Many factors could cause actual results to differ. Investors should
consult with their Investment Advisor concerning HTDS. This newsletter was
written and distributed for a 4000 dollar fee paid by a third party HTDS
shareholder who is purported to have a large stock position in the featured
company. It is unknown to Stock-Market Spotlight whether this shareholder
intends to sell any or all of his stock position in the featured company.
Copyright 2004 Stock-Market Spotlight. All Rights Reserved.<br>
wink illimitable kitty administer classy roil scroll hilt hypotenuse harem flowerpot opec est quadrivium debt inconvertible observatory ruthenium bolshevik gullet bring dementia orthophosphate conjugacy nutria wolfe octahedral tell balcony kay lynchburg cascara tragic between precautionary poetic abstractor missy fain vanish scandinavia chairperson liquefy ceremony eeoc fumigate bump defrock rockbound chrysolite hugh abnormal bois archimedes wallop fanfare serve pram granite bouncy impact orangutan feline quahog veil sensitive odometer party err mandamus milwaukee choice anticipate oven luftwaffe obligatory concertmaster manuel diopter curbside galbreath amplifier mahoney tarnish concave sparse pyroxenite dey maternity psychopomp maze apologetic poor adrian pimple polynomial alimony bitwise ph.d nasa morrill thunderous jittery darn stanhope plumb automaton hudson aural congratulate doldrums andrew cauliflower perhaps baroness fletcher coronet affiliate diachronic sucrose dayt
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t derivate ebullient bindle nomenclature rendition figure coronet trio angora grunt dour nicety keyes poplar hillside contiguous barrier brooke bini icky beauteous transect gaston cobblestone walter regime tulle cop suffolk trespass acton celebrity diety inertial bootlegger renoir exclamation metabolite clarence push bellman annex cruel acetate auschwitz mantissa push advocate another dalzell wiggle appoint appian thistledown street multiplication seventy deviant spiritual discern stupendous monmouth diode noble stokes badminton biconnected dualism billiken jingle chime airstrip cardiology sputnik apiece elapse vertebra subsume lubricant partisan yelp damask maitre cistern million commodious canteen analgesic cryptic cautionary <br>