This mail is probably spam. The original message has been attached along with this report, so you can recognize or block similar unwanted mail in future. See for more details. Content preview: Approximately 156,000 Americans develop colon cancer annually. Approximately 60,000 will die from this disease. INTRODUCING:wiojgiwjgwgrwgULTIMATE COLON CLEANSER You're about to discover the true secrets about your colon and digestive system and how it significantly impacts your health and enhances your weight loss program. Plain, simple and to the point information that is vitally important to your overall good health. Visit the site to learn how the Ultiamte Colon Cleanser will clean your colon of toxins and unnecessary waste build up. Shipping is always free for US customers and we welcome International customers. [...] Content analysis details: (11.20 points, 5 required) FROM_NUM_AT_WEBMAIL (2.9 points) From address is webmail, but starts with a number RISK_FREE (0.9 points) BODY: Risk free. Suuurreeee.... HTML_40_50 (1.1 points) BODY: Message is 40% to 50% HTML HTML_SHOUTING4 (0.5 points) BODY: HTML has very strong "shouting" markup HTML_FONT_COLOR_RED (0.1 points) BODY: HTML font color is red HTML_MESSAGE (0.1 points) BODY: HTML included in message HTML_FONT_BIG (0.3 points) BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up HTML_TAG_EXISTS_TBODY (0.1 points) BODY: HTML has "tbody" tag MIME_HTML_NO_CHARSET (0.8 points) RAW: Message text in HTML without specified charset REMOVE_PAGE (0.3 points) URI: URL of page called "remove" MISSING_MIMEOLE (0.5 points) Message has X-MSMail-Priority, but no X-MimeOLE MIME_HTML_ONLY (0.1 points) Message only has text/html MIME parts FORGED_MUA_OUTLOOK (3.5 points) Forged mail pretending to be from MS Outlook The original message did not contain plain text, and may be unsafe to open with some email clients; in particular, it may contain a virus, or confirm that your address can receive spam. If you wish to view it, it may be safer to save it to a file and open it with an editor.