+comunity+ Fw: Petition to KEEP INTERPENETRATION ALIVE! Please read!!!

renatn renatn at mur.at
Fr Feb 20 14:28:22 CET 2015

Dear friends,

First of all sorry if you get this several times or if you think you
shouldn't get this at all. Also sorry if in the next few days you get
this again... and again.
But I think this is important!

The Styrian government decided that art is a pain in the ass and
therefore won't support Interpenetration anymore. Which more or less

I DO think that there is a chance to keep it alive but it needs your
help and commitment. So what can you do?

1. Sign this petition:

2. Share and spread the petition! Our goal is 9 mil. people - more than
there are Austrians ;-))

3. Write a letter to the Styrian government about how important
Interpenetration is and that you want them to keep supporting it. (Send
this letter to me - I will collect them all and forward them to the
right place. Please don't forget to sign it!)

4. Donate! Help us get through this year. You can donate to either our
bank account:
chmafu nocords
IBAN: AT446000000510054750

or our paypal account: chmafu at nocords.net

It depends on YOU if we can continue our work!

Thanks and love,

chmafu nocords (label):

interpenetration (live):

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